Summer Plans 2020


At this point in time Camp Wachusett is planning to "Stay the Course" in regard to operating our summer program in Vermont.  With more than 90 days before the start of our camp season we know that much remains to be seen, but we are hopeful that the threat of the Covid-19 virus to our nation will have dissipated to a point where it will be acceptable for us to adapt our program to move forward.

Outside of camp, my carer is in long term healthcare. Over the past several weeks, I have been part of a task force that has had to make tough and proactive change of lifestyle decisions, to protect our elderly residents and care givers. Likewise, we will apply the same criteria of taking the necessary steps, utilizing CDC's best practices and State guidelines, to making Wachusett the safest possible environment for all involved. RN, Stephanie Wilbur, is returning to run our infirmary and will be a key consultant as part of our team for making sure we are doing things right.

I have sent out flight information for the flights from BWI for those who have signed up from the Baltimore and DC areas. We will plan on providing a van for transportation (both ways) between Greenwich, CT and Wachusett on July 12th and July 26th. Please contact me if you would like further flight or van info.  

 We are all experiencing a great deal of uncertainty and must be very cautious in order to remain healthy and do our part to help break the chain. I hope everyone is well and that camp friends will be able to reunite, in person, this summer. We will send more updates as things develop.  

With Kind Regards and Unaliyi, Phil